Monday, May 18, 2015

I Quit! ... (cleaning jobs, that is)

The time has come.

After almost 16 years of cleaning professionally I am eliminating house cleaning as one of my services ... doctor's orders

I will still do organizing/purging and can do associated clean up,
but hours of just cleaning is too much stress and repetitive motion on my body

Please continue to keep me in mind for the myriad of other services I provide, and thank you to the clients who have supported me over the years.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

blog host change

I'm back to Blogspot as Wordpress wanted about $100 to renew my domain name because I missed their deadline.  Yeah, I don't think so.

Please, bear with me while I reconstruct this page and bring information back over.

In the meantime, enjoy a photo of my ducks with a kitten.
